Reserve a Meeting Space

To reserve a room or any space (indoor/outdoor) for a Shandon ministry, Shandon-member activity or an outreach organization event, please fill out our convenient online form.

For more information please contact Sarah Conrad at (803) 722-1032 or Please give a phone number where you can be reached for more information.

For small group meetings, please submit the online form at least two weeks prior to the event, and for large group meetings of 20 or more people, please submit the online form at least a month prior to your requested date. Reservations should be confirmed prior to publicizing your event. A reservation form may be required and rental/custodial fees may also apply based upon your group’s needs and the space reserved.

Room Reservation Form

Maintenance Fees

Due to the rising costs of building maintenance and custodial services, we are publicizing our Maintenance Fees as part of our church’s procedures for hosting community groups and non-church events on our campus. These fees, as listed, will be effective as of Jan. 1, 2022. We welcome community groups and are dedicated to sharing our facilities with not-for-profit groups and agencies. We appreciate your cooperation as we continue to work towards faithfully stewarding our facilities to serve our community.

Maintenance Fee for Player Hall or Wesley Hall:$50.00
Maintenance Fee for the Gym:$200.00
A/V Equipment: (includes projector screen and A/V cart with projector, desktop speakers, and laptop):$25.00


Requests for usage of rooms/spaces on campus as well as church calendar requests can be made by contacting Sarah Conrad, at

For information about weddings, click here.


If there’s anything you want to know that’s not covered here, let us know! We’re here to answer your questions.

Contact us!

Sarah Conrad
(803) 722-1032