Communications Request Form

The Communications Team has made it easier for you to submit your content and request marketing collateral, registration, and graphic design support.

Weekly Bulletin Announcements: 

The main purpose of the weekly worship bulletin is to serve as a guide for worship. As such, announcements should be limited to 5-6 sentences, including location and contact information, and pertain to near-term events (within the next two weeks) open to all members or at least large segments of the membership and community. Events that require advance registration may also run during the week before & after registration opens. All weekly worship bulletin announcements should be submitted to by noon (12:00 p.m.) Tuesday. Save-the-date one-line announcements for events further in the future will be accepted as space is available. Inserts to the worship guide will not be generally considered unless approved as exceptions by the Senior Pastor’s office. 


Monthly Newsletter: 

All announcements and articles for the monthly newsletter will be submitted through the online form. Only church-related articles or church-sponsored events will be considered for publication. Except for events that require enrollment, articles will be published only for the current and subsequent months. All submissions must be edited before submission, as the form will not provide feedback on misspellings or other grammatical issues.  The deadline for submissions in the monthly newsletter is usually the third Wednesday of each month by the close of business (5:00 p.m.) unless there is a holiday at the end of the upcoming month, such as Thanksgiving or Christmas. 

Banners, press releases, graphic designs… anything you may need is one step away. Please access the appropriate form below to submit your content or requests to the Communications Team.

Communications Form