Baptisms & Weddings

Infant/Child Baptism

We are blessed to participate in this holy sacrament of baptism with your family. We believe that by choosing to have your child baptized, you are being connected to the body of Christ, the larger church family of Shandon UMC. The baptismal covenant is connectional in nature, made in public and witnessed by others who vow to support your family in nurturing the development of your child.


We’re happy that you’re looking at Shandon for your wedding, and we’d like to help make it a wonderful, spiritually significant and joyous celebration. It should be simple, reverent and in keeping with the liturgy, rituals, and traditions of the church.

To reserve the Sanctuary or Chapel for a wedding, the bride, the groom, or one of their parents or grandparents must be a current active member of Shandon for at least six months prior to scheduling the wedding date.

Reservations for church facilities including the rehearsal and ceremony, etc. must be made through the church office. Upon your engagement and selection of a proposed wedding date, contact the Administrative Assistant for Congregational Care at (803) 722-1047 as far in advance as possible.

For additional information, please take a look at our Wedding Guide. We’ve tried to anticipate some of your questions and have developed this guide to help you plan your wedding. We’ll be happy to discuss other details and answer any questions you have.

If there’s anything you want to know that’s not covered here, let us know! We’re here to answer your questions.

Contact us!


Stephanie Jules
Administrative Assistant
(803) 722-1032
Office Hours: Monday – Thursday: 8:30 a.m. – 1:30 p.m., and Friday: 8:30 a.m. – 1:30 p.m.