Update on United Methodist Church General Conference

Shandonumc   -  

May 10, 2024


Dear Friends,

I’m sure you’ve read and heard a good deal about our worldwide United Methodist gathering – General Conference – which recently met in Charlotte, NC. In the days ahead, at Shandon UMC, we will be having conversations together and praying to discern how God is calling us forward as God’s people.

But for now, let me summarize some of the highlights of the General Conference (GC) …

  • Regionalization. Currently, our “central conferences” (outside the US) are allowed to make some adaptations to the Book of Discipline to suit their particular legal and missional needs. (You might think of how, in the US, we have federal laws that apply everywhere but state laws, which may vary.) Because regionalization would require altering the UMC Constitution, it has to be approved by 2/3 of our annual conferences, who will be voting on the proposal at their sessions in the next year.
  • Ecumenical Relations. The GC approved “full communion” with the Episcopal and Moravian churches. “Full communion” means that these denominations recognize each other as authentic Christian communities, extend sacramental hospitality to each other, recognize as valid the ordination of each other’s ministers, and work together for God’s kingdom.
  • Two Additional Bishops for Africa. The church in Africa is growing by leaps and bounds, and will soon compose the majority of the UMC. The addition of two bishops will help to administer and lead the African church in this time of rapid growth.
  • Fewer Bishops in America. Seven bishops are scheduled to retire in the US this year. In response to the disaffiliation of approximately 25% of US congregations, these seven bishops will not be replaced.
  • Greatly Reduced Budget. The UMC’s budget for the next four years will be reduced by 43% — again in response to disaffiliation.
  • Sacramental Privileges for Deacons. Ordained deacons will now be able to perform the sacraments in the congregations to which they are appointed.
  • Human Sexuality Issues. The GC removed prohibitions for congregations and penalties for pastors performing same-sex weddings. This means that congregations and pastors are allowed to act as they feel led by God in this area. The GC lifted the ban on “self-avowed, practicing homosexuals” as pastors (all candidates for ordained ministry in the UMC are examined and credentialed by their annual conference).


Grace and peace,

Pastor Smoke